SaaS Management for European Companies

SaaS Management for European Companies


Expose shadow IT, streamline SaaS usage, and take control of your expansive SaaS landscape with precision.

We are very fortunate to work with these amazing partners

Simplify SaaS management

Technology Governance

Ensure continuous monitoring and maintain accurate visibility over your entire SaaS landscape. Prevent shadow IT applications from going undetected and manage access requests efficiently.

SaaS Security Management

Strengthen your SaaS security posture. With Sonar Clarity, manage your SaaS attack surface dynamically as it evolves, ensuring robust security across all your cloud and SaaS applications.

SaaS Identity Governance

Automate and orchestrate lifecycle management for all apps and identities. Simplify the integration and management of new applications into your SaaS ecosystem.

Reclaim control of your SaaS.

In just minutes, Sonar Clarity detects, inventories, and continuously monitors every cloud and SaaS account your employees have ever created. Discover shadow IT accounts and unused licenses with unprecedented speed.

Immediately spot security risks.

Accelerate security reviews to match the pace of SaaS adoption. Gain insights on each provider’s security, risk, and compliance updates. Maintain visibility across your entire SaaS supply chain to detect potential vulnerabilities swiftly.

Know exactly what you need to do.

Sonar Clarity tells you exactly what actions to take based on your specific goals. Need to reduce costs? Identify unused licenses quickly. Preparing for an audit? We highlight potential problems for you to address

Streamline on and offboarding.

Transform onboarding and offboarding processes into a breeze with our robust tracking of employee applications. Ready to offboard? Here’s the list of all accounts and licenses used. Need onboarding? Easily access the actual software utilized in each department.

What impact could Sonar Clarity

have on your organization?

How it works

Step 1

Connect your IdP

Connect your current Identity Provider such as Google SSO, Okta Auth0 or Microsoft Azure AD.

Step 2

Install our extensions

Deploy our browser plugins across your organization via your admin workspace or MDM.

Step 3

Setup your integration

Enhance tracking accuracy by integrating any of the 200+ applications from our catalog.

Sonar Clarity allows us to demonstrate that IT is not just a cost center. It helps us to map, monitor, rationalize, and secure our IT landscape in just a few clicks.”

IT manager, in a 500+ Fintech

See what you’ve been missing.